If you’ve been in an auto accident recently, you may be experiencing some residual pain as a result. In fact, it’s actually quite common for the pain from an auto accident to appear gradually in the days or weeks after the accident.
Auto accidents can cause soft tissue injuries, which can be serious even if the accident itself wasn’t. These injuries don’t tend to heal themselves with time; they’re more likely to get worse. Getting treatment right away is essential, and one treatment we use is massage therapy. The providers at Beeson Wellness Center explain more about what to expect from massage therapy after a car accident.
After an auto accident, you might not think about the importance of getting a massage. You may have many worries to tend to after the accident, like getting your car repaired and finding a replacement in the meantime. And you may also have misconceptions about the value of massage and think that it’s only a way to pamper yourself.
The truth is that massage therapy can help you to recover from an accident both physically and emotionally. Your body is holding a lot of tension, and you may not even be aware of it. This tension can have physical effects as well, including delaying your healing. Massage therapy can also reduce inflammation, address whiplash, and help relieve neck pain.
The first visit will likely assess your overall condition, including any injuries from the accident that may be obvious. We may do a series of X-rays, as well as other diagnostic imaging like surface electromyography and ultrasound. Then, we’ll come up with an appropriate treatment plan for your individual case. Some of the conditions we can treat with massage therapy include:
Whiplash is a common injury after a car accident. Even if the accident seemed minor, consider the fact that a 160-pound person going 30 mph is propelled forward by about 4,800 pounds of force. If you’re belted in as you should be, your body still experiences this amount of force, which can cause soft tissue injuries.
Other signs of whiplash include limited range of motion, stiffness, and pain, in addition to mental symptoms like memory loss, lack of focus, and insomnia. Massage therapy works to gently but effectively resolve whiplash and you should include this treatment regimen.
If you have a concussion as a result of the accident, this is caused by a subluxation or misalignment of the vertebrae. Massage therapy can realign the vertebrae and allow your concussion to heal. Massage techniques that are designed to strengthen your parasympathetic nervous system help your body recover more quickly from a concussion.
Swelling is quite common after an auto accident. This occurs because the soft tissues have been injured. Massage therapy helps improve your circulation and reduces your swelling in the process. This is especially helpful if you are experiencing knee pain and swelling.
After an accident, you may not know exactly where you hurt because your whole body feels sore. Massage therapy is particularly useful for reducing this type of generalized pain because it improves the function of your lymphatic system. Sometimes, we may also use trigger point therapy for treating overall pain.
You don’t need to suffer from the usual symptoms like pain, limited range of motion, and dizziness after a car accident, but you have to seek medical attention. The providers at Beeson Wellness Center can help you return to normal. Contact us today, or request an appointment online.