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The Magnificent Benefits of Magnesium

Nurturing Your Body from Within

Magnesium is a vital mineral that often doesn't receive the attention it deserves. It is found in every cell of the human body. Magnesium plays a role in over 600 biochemical reactions, influencing everything from muscle and nerve function to energy conversion. Yet, despite its critical role in supporting various bodily functions, a staggering 70% of the adult population is deficient in this vital mineral! Let's delve into the remarkable benefits of magnesium and explore how this often-overlooked mineral can transform your health and well-being.

A Multitude of Biochemical Roles:

You could compare magnesium to the unsung hero of the body's biochemistry. It is a driving force behind fundamental processes, including protein synthesis, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and the conversion of food into energy. Many of your body functions could be compromised without sufficient magnesium, leading to a cascade of health issues. Let's look at this more closely.

Building Strong Bones:

While calcium often steals the spotlight when it comes to bone health. Magnesium partners with calcium to support bone density and strength. This dynamic duo ensures that your skeletal structure remains strong and resilient.

Banishing Muscle Woes:

For those who lead active lives, magnesium's muscle-relaxing properties are vital. The mineral helps transport blood sugar into muscles, aiding energy production during physical exertion. It also assists in flushing out waste products like lactic acid, which can cause muscle cramps and discomfort. Magnesium may become your best friend if you desire an ache-free workout experience.

Heart Health and Beyond:

Emerging research has revealed that magnesium might have a protective effect on cardiovascular health. By contributing to blood pressure regulation and reducing the risk of heart disease, this mineral showcases its ability to be a heart's ally. Moreover, magnesium's positive impact extends to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and supporting a well-functioning immune system.

Modern Diets are Deficient in Magnesium

You may ask, "If magnesium is so important to our health, why is such a high percentage of the population deficient?" There are two significant reasons why the American population is deficient in magnesium:  

  1. The standard American diet consists of a lot of processed foods. Highly processed foods lose much of the nutrients they contain when they are in their pure state. 
  2. Most healthy foods that once were high in magnesium, such as seeds and vegetables, are now so low in nutrients that it would require up to seven to eight servings per day to get an adequate amount of magnesium. 

Unlocking the Benefits Through Supplementation:

Given the challenges of obtaining adequate magnesium solely from your diet, supplementation can offer a practical and realistic solution. Magnesium supplements, such as magnesium glycinate, citrate, or malate, are formulated to be highly absorbable and effective. These supplements can gently boost your magnesium levels, helping you harness the mineral's numerous benefits.

Finding Your Magnesium Balance:

A lab test can tell you the amount of magnesium reserves in your body. However, it is costly, and very few physicians will order the red blood cell magnesium test. Therefore, supplementation could be beneficial to you. 

The ideal daily magnesium intake requirement varies for each individual. Based on my experience, daily recommendations range from 200 to 300 milligrams for females and up to 400 milligrams for males. However, individual needs can differ based on age, activity level, and health status. As always, I'm not giving you medical advice. You should consult your healthcare provider to ensure you find the right balance for your body.

The Benefits of Magnesium in Food

Just because fruits and vegetables aren’t as full of nutrients as they used to be doesn’t mean you should avoid them. They still contain nutrients your body needs. There is no question that people whose diets are rich in fruits and vegetables are healthier than those who avoid them and eat highly processed foods. Here are five benefits of eating lots of fruits and vegetables:

  1. Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  2. Helps prevent some types of cancer.
  3. Lowers the risk of eye and digestive problems.
  4. Has a positive effect on blood sugar.
  5. It can help keep your appetite in check.

Here are some foods you can turn to for some magnesium:

Dark chocolate



Legumes:  beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and soybeans

Nuts and seeds:  especially Brazil nuts, chia seeds, and cashews.


Conclusion:  Helping Yourself to the Benefits of Magnesium

Focusing on often-neglected nutrients like magnesium becomes vital in a world where dietary imbalances and deficiencies are becoming increasingly prevalent. Magnesium's benefits are remarkable, from promoting strong bones and muscles to supporting heart health and more. So, whether you choose to enhance your magnesium intake through dietary changes, supplementation, or both, one thing is clear: prioritizing this mineral can pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant you. And remember, while I've shared insights here, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider to tailor magnesium intake to your needs.


Dr. Dan Beeson
Beeson Wellness Center

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